Christmas Countdown to a Healthier You

tina-boland-salus-nutrition-and-health Christmas Countdown to a Healthier You      Excuse Your Excuses!

One of the main reasons people find it hard to lose weight is to do with how talented we are at justifying unhealthy habits … but habits can be broken.

“It’s the weekend, I deserve a takeaway”
“I feel sad, I want cake”
“I’m so happy, I want cake”

🌟 Solution? Challenge your excuses!

If you’ve had a bad day at work, it is easy to convince yourself that you deserve that packet of double-chocolate biscuits. But instead of jumping straight in, ask yourself the following:

🌪Am I thinking with my stomach or emotions?
🌪Can I think of something a little healthier?
🌪Will I feel bad afterwards if I eat this?

🌟 When you are faced with these excuses, think of other options instead of relying on food as a crutch – exercise, go out with friends, visit family, have a bath, read a book etc. You will feel a lot better afterwards and then work to reinforce these good habits.

🌟 The 80:20 rule also works for some people (eat healthily 80% of the time and afford a small indulgence for the other 20%). This can work as a good, healthy compromise, while allowing yourself to have a life too … just don’t get carried away!Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health