Craving Carbs?

ina Boland - Salus Nutrition and HealthCraving Carbs?

We all fall victim to the odd craving for chocolate or cake which is normal, but if it occurs regularly it can have consequences on your weight and general health.

Try these tips to help curb those cravings for the munchies:

🔹 Increase your intake of ‘healthy fats’ which are better at suppressing your appetite and more effective at balancing blood sugars than carbohydrates.
— Think avocado, nuts and seeds, oily fish

🔹 Stress releases a hormone called Cortisol which increases those sugar-loving moments. Stress may also have a part to play if you find it difficult to shift weight from around your middle..
— In times of stress, turn to exercise, yoga, pilates etc. instead of the cake tin. You will feel so much better for it.

🔹If you are having a serious ‘om-nom, need food in my hand’ moment, grab a handful of almonds. These will keep your blood sugars in line and will help prevent further cravings. Keep a small box in your desk at work or try almond butter as a snack.