Christmas Countdown ncrease Your Water Intake This might seem like a very basic, obvious tip but people often underestimate the importance of hydration. It is essential in helping to prevent that sluggish feeling, gets rid of nasty toxins and contributes hugely to healthy, glowing skin. We should be aiming for 2 litres on average a day.
Water helps to keep your appetite under wraps as thirst is often dressed up as hunger – next time you feel hungry, have a glass of water first instead and see if it helps.
Try to drink a glass of water first thing each morning and about 30 minutes before each meal as this will prepare your digestive system and in turn may help reduce any pain or bloating experienced after meals.
Fill a 2 litre (or your target amount) jug/bottle each day. You can then monitor your intake and if the bottle is still half full by 2pm, this can act as a visual reminder to drink up.
Find water boring? Add slices of fruit or perhaps drink sparkling water instead which is perfectly fine!
🌟 Finding it a daily struggle to reach 2 litres? Challenge your family or colleagues to do the same. Set daily/weekly targets and help eachother along – you don’t need to jump straight in with 2 litres tomorrow of course, work together to build it up gradually and honestly, it will become second nature after a short time.