Tag «Tina Boland»

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Ingredients Butter 1 large diced onion 500g chopped mushrooms 100g flour 1 litre vegetable stock 1 litre milk Pepper Method Heat butter in a large pot and add chopped onion, cook for 2 minutes. Add chopped mushrooms and cook, stirring for 5 minutes. Add flour, stirring for 2 minutes. Stir in the stock and milk. …

Melon Bowl

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

Melon Bowl!  A melon makes a great base for a fruity snack and helps to preserve that light and refreshing taste. No energy slump!   I’ve got honeydew melon, blueberries, pomegranate and strawberries here … what are you going to add

Summer time, time to get fit!

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

SummerMany of us spend a lot of time inside because of work 😔 So, take advantage of these blue(ish) skies on this Bank Holiday and get outside for a boost of Vitamin D! Remember, our bodies can’t make this very important vitamin so we need to make every effort to spend time outside in order …

Natural Greek Style Yogurt

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

Natural Greek Style Yogurt – approx 3g sugar per 100g Strawberry Greek Style Yogurt – approx 11.5g sugar per 100g Watch the nutrition content of yogurts …. many ‘fruit flavoured’ ones are laden with unnecessary additives and sugars, for sweetness. Why not buy natural yogurt and add fresh fruit instead? It tastes amazing, you get …

Christmas Temptations

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

Christmas Temptations ✨ 🌟 Using a small plate gives the illusion that it contains more food which can help with portion-control and reduce the temptation of overeating. 🌟 Don’t feel as though you have to clear your plate at every meal. Why not pack up the leftovers and you might just appreciate them later on …

Sit Down and Slow Down!

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

Christmas Countdown to a Healthier You Sit Down and Slow Down! Our lives are so busy these days but remember to always chew food properly instead of gulping it down. This helps us to absorb nutrients so we get the full benefits of the food and in turn, help to prevent the dreaded feelings of …

Apple Crisps

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

Apple Crisps Try these for a quick snack … pair them with almond butter for added taste and a hit of good fats that will help keep you feeling full. ☄️ Ingredients: 1 or 2 apples Icing sugar Pinch of cinnamon ☄️ Method: * Preheat the oven to 120 degrees * Peel, core and thinly …

Increase Your Water Intake

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

Christmas Countdown ncrease Your Water Intake This might seem like a very basic, obvious tip but people often underestimate the importance of hydration. It is essential in helping to prevent that sluggish feeling, gets rid of nasty toxins and contributes hugely to healthy, glowing skin. We should be aiming for 2 litres on average a …

Feeling great over the festive period

Tina Boland - Salus Nutrition and Health

With just over 6 weeks to go until Christmas, now is the time to start working towards looking and feeling great over the festive period. I will soon be sharing some simple nutrition tips to help carry you right through to the New Year and beyond!

What’s up, Sugar?

What’s up, Sugar? 4g of sugar = 1 teaspoon = 16 calories °°Sugar is a master of disguise and can sometimes be the primary ingredient of a product but dressed up as another word. °°Watch out for the following on food labels because they are all a form of sugar…. »Corn Syrup »Dextrose »Fructose »Fruit …